Download YOUR Free Tarot Guide!



As the Summer Solstice approaches, you might be thinking about how you can navigate the remaining months of 2022? Maybe you feel lost and could use clarity to get focused to make the most of the last 6 months of the year? 

The medicine that rises up in a mid-year check in reading is potent. . .and holds space for you to tap into your potential + magick!

The ritual performed during the live one-on-one reading will assist you with releasing the past six months and also provide insights into major shifts + themes + lessons the upcoming six months hold, which gives you the tools to maneuver the remainder of your 2022.

I'll brew a pipping hot cup of tea for you using a special blend that I've created and connect to your soul's unique signature. The patterns and images that appear in the tea leaves are never repeated, which makes each cup unique. Thus, your forecast for the next 6 months will be specifically for you, and no one else. I read intuitively, so I share what I am hearing, what I am feeling, what I am seeing in my third eye as I gaze into your cup of potential.

I'll also be incorporating the Tarot into the mid-year check in readings, which will add another layer of richness, as I'll weave the medicine from the tea leaves and the cards together into a message for YOU!

Mid-year check in readings require a TON of energy to hold space. Consequently, availability is limited, as I am only scheduling one reading per day to honour the energy exchange. Sessions are typically 60-90 minutes give or take depending on what rises up, thus the mid-year check in reading will be over when Spirit is done. The energy exchange is $99 USD. To schedule a reading, use the calendar below and remember to adjust the time zone to yours :)

After the reading, you will receive a photo of your teacup + cards along with a video recording that you can listen to whenever you need to hear your forecast. Please allow 24 - 72 hours for your recording & photos to be processed and emailed to you. Got questions? Need to use PayPal? Or want to purchase a year ahead reading as a gift? Send an email: or a DM on Instagram (@seedsofshakti)

There have been times in my life that I've struggled financially and have benefited from a sliding scale. I would like to pay that forward, so I have set aside spots for those who have limited expendable income. To get the conversation started, connect with me via email.