The 2nd New Moon in Aries for 2023 is on Wednesday, April 19th at 9:12 pm (PDT) and the first one on March 21st signaled the start of the cosmic wheel in astrology. Aries is the first astrological sign in the wheel and is associated with The Emperor card in the Tarot. The medicine of the Aries New Moon awakens the energy of renewal that is typically associated with the start of the calendar year. In the northern hemisphere, spring has erupted with life, which is in sync with the theme of renewal.
Each astrological sign carries potent medicine that is unique and magical. Aries is influenced by the Element of Fire and embraces the medicine of the ram. Consequently, Aries is connected to being confident, taking action, asserting boundaries without being abrasive, and making changes that lead to paradigm shifts.
The Aries New Moon not only marks the start of the cosmic wheel, but also a new lunar cycle. Therefore, March 21st is ideal for new beginnings & setting intentions that may feel a bit risky and involve you getting out of your comfort zone. . .and if you didn't get a chance, you can for the New Moon on April 19th.
The ritual involves creating a magick bag to draw in energy that aligns with your New Moon intentions. You can do your ritual a day before, on the day, or a day after the New Moon, as the energy is still potent. You are welcome to use my ritual or adopt parts to help you create your personalized one. Please know that you don’t need to do a ritual for each New Moon, only connect to the ones that you feel drawn to. Your ritual doesn’t need to be complicated. Can be simple as lighting a candle.
As with any ritual, create sacred space for yourself to connect with your Higher-SELF. Depending on your New Moon traditions, you may want to light a candle, call in the elements, directions + guides, make a circle, ring a bell, etc. . . I personally don’t adhere to any rules or guidelines of how to create sacred space. I follow what rises up for me in my heart space, as the energy of each New Moon is unique, and I want my ritual to reflect where I am vibrationally.
The Ritual
A magick bag usually contains crystals, herbs, amulets, charms, talismans and other sacred tools that are connected to a specific purpose. You can choose to assemble one for love, fertility, abundance, prosperity, protection, healing, or another purpose. If you are struggling with what to create a magick pouch for, I recommend quietening your mind and tuning into your heart space. My magick bag will be for prosperity. You use mine as an example and tweak what you add to your magick bag according to your intentions.
The pouch that I am using is actually a medicine bag that I made several years ago while studying with a Metis elder, who has since passed. The initial intention of my medicine bag has come to pass, so I feel drawn to reusing it for prosperity. If you can, I suggest making your bag as that will add to the strength of your magick. You can use any type of bag for the ritual, but ones made out of natural material are highly recommended.
As an artist, writer and creator, I am 100% responsible for generating my income. I feel blessed to be able to living my dream and like any entrepreneur I face challenges too. I have so many projects rising up in my heart space and to manifest them into reality requires capital, so creating a magick bag for prosperity felt right for the Aries New Moon.
I will be starting my prosperity magick bag with only a handful of sacred tools. Why? I feel drawn to adding new medicine to the bag each New Moon. I’ll be adding 3 coins to symbolize the type of prosperity that I want to draw in. You have to get specific with Spirit to manifest your core desires. A bay leaf for success. On the back of the leaf, I will write a prosperity affirmation that I’ve created.

As for crystals, I’ll be using green aventurine, a well-known stone of attraction and yellow tigers eye to release any doubts or fears connected to my money mindset. Later on, I’ll be adding citrine, a stone of abundance and other crystals that align with prosperity. I am on the search for a small magnet to add to my bag to help attract my intention. I also want to add a Goddess talisman, as I can’t think of a better symbol of divine abundance.
After you’ve created your magick bag, you want to connect with the energy of the medicine. I know that I’ll be charging mine under a copper pyramid on my New Moon altar and afterwards, I’ll place on my desk at home where the magick happens. You can also charge your magick pouch by lighting a green candle to represent prosperity. Remember to open your magick bag and connect with any of the medicine inside whenever you need a boost. The more you interact with the sacred tools inside of your bag, the more your magick rises.

To delve deep into the questions that the New Moon in Aries conjures up, you may want to lay Tarot or Oracle cards. You can use the Aries New Moon spread to explore the themes further. I've used the Hezicos Tarot for my spread! Please tag me in your spread on Instagram, as I’d love to know how you connected!

Greetings from the city of subdued excitement, may you have many blessings during this New Moon in Aries and beyond. So enjoy reading your perspectives and rituals as well as providing a tarot spread which I’m so grateful for.
Ive not been doing rituals very regularly and this New Moon will be a good time to rededicate myself to starting up again. However, I’m not one for posting on social media just yet. At any rate, I just wanted to thank you for these newsletters.
Much love, Paris xo