The night’s sky will be lit by the Full Moon in Aquarius on Thursday, August 11th at 6:35 pm (PDT). The energy of the Full Moon illuminates your current emotional state, so if you are grounded and centered then that will be magnified, but if you are feeling chaotic then that energy becomes exaggerated. Typically, the energy of the Full Moon can be felt 2 to 3 days before and after the Full Moon.
Have you noticed that the New Moons are in sync with the sun sign, but Full Moons are always in the opposite astrological sign. For example, the sun is currently in Leo, so the Full Moon on August 11th will be in Aquarius.
The Full Moon in Aquarius is connected to awakening your mind, wanting to contribute to the collective consciousness, feeling altruistic, and releasing false perceptions to create space for truths to rise. Aquarius is also a visionary sign, so don’t be reluctant to collaborate with an ally to create the social change you want to see in the world
The Altar
For the altar, I am drawn to honouring the Element of Air, which rules the astrological sign of Aquarius. Air is connected to the Swords Suit in the Tarot, thus presides over the mind. The medicine of Air is associated with all that swirls inside your mind: ideas, thoughts, anxiety . . . and how you express yourself.
I’ve dusted off a metal tray that I am using to create a portable altar, as I want to be able to move my altar outdoors and bring it inside when the weather turns. The altar will honour the Element of Air, which moves blood through your veins . . . lets you release your day with a simple sigh. . .gives you the gift of smell. . . without air, you and I would cease to exist.
What medicine does Air bring to your life? Air is associated with the following traits: invisibility, sound, intellect, clarity, insights, swiftness, movement, awakening, and is unstoppable. The shadow medicines of air include stress, worries, confusion, elusiveness, trickery, unpredictable, and that feeling of being caught up in a whirlwind.
Creating an altar dedicated to Air isn’t as easy as making one for the other Elements, as Air doesn’t manifest into the material world as would a crystal to represent the Element of Earth. The secret to creating an altar for Air is to be creative and reflect on how the Element of Air interacts and manifests in your life. You may want to add birds and insects to your altar, as they are the only creatures to master the art of soaring, thus are allies of the Element of Air. I added the Hindu Goddess, Saraswati, as she is associated with music. What will you add to your altar?
I’ve been gathering feathers from my backyard for the last year and will be adding the ones that hold significance to my altar. You don’t have to collect feathers from nature. I will also be adding store bought peacock feathers to honour my ancestors.
Air is one of the mediums through which sounds moves with ease. To celebrate the alliance, I will be incorporating my singing bowls and rattle to the altar. Another kindred ally of Air is sacred smoke. Without Air, Fire would not be able to kindle. In my opinion, incense and resin are a must for the altar.
Tarot is the portal which awakened my third eye and my sun is also in Libra, an Air sign, so I’ll be adding the Swords Suit to my altar. Swords represents Air, so adding an athame or knife to your altar is extremely symbolic. You can also add symbols that represent each of the three Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. I hope that sharing some symbols associated with Air has sparked your creativity and will make creating an altar feel innate.
The Ritual
The ritual for the Aquarius Full Moon requires only one sacred tool: a clear quartz point of any size. Each Major Arcana card of the Tarot is either associated with a zodiac sign or a planet, for example The Star is associated with Aquarius. Thus, I highly recommend having The Star card in front of you when you do the ritual, so you can tap into the energy of Aquarius.
You can do your ritual a day before, on the day, or a day after the Full Moon, as the energy is still potent. You are welcome to use my ritual or adopt parts to help you create your personalized one. Please know that you don’t need to do a ritual for each Full Moon, only connect to the ones that you feel drawn to. Your ritual doesn’t need to be complicated. Can be simple as lighting a candle.
As with any ritual, create sacred space for yourself to connect with your Higher-SELF. Depending on your Full Moon traditions, you may want to light a candle, call in the elements, directions + guides, make a circle, ring a bell, etc. . . I personally don’t adhere to any rules or guidelines of how to create sacred space. I follow what rises up for me in my heart space, as the energy of each Full Moon is unique, and I want my ritual to reflect where I am vibrationally.
After you take several deep breaths, hold the clear quartz point in your dominant hand. Take a deep breath in and as you release your breath, visualize yourself pouring all your worries, stress, and unhealthy thoughts into the crystal. Continue to use your breath to help you let go. Each time you breath out, imagine all the energy that you want to release going into the crystal. You’ll intuitively know when you are done.
Next, go outside and find a place under a tree or shrub. Dig a hole that is large enough for your crystal to fit inside of. Place your crystal with the point facing down into the earth and cover with dirt. Leave the crystal there until the New Moon on Saturday, August 27th. You can also use a potted plant to place your crystal point in, especially if you don’t have access to a yard.
Uncover the crystal point on the New Moon and wash with water. Take a sacred pause to thank the crystal for helping you release all the clutter and chaos in your mind. If you feel that there is residual energy lingering, then I encourage you to repeat the previous steps and leave the crystal until the next New Moon.
When you are done releasing the shadows that once lingered in your mind, hold the clear quartz point in your non-dominant hand. Program the crystal with intentions that support your mental well-being, so that you can be a clear channel to hear messages from your Higher-SELF and the UNIVERSE.
You may feel the effects of the ritual immediately, but it may also take a few days or even weeks to see changes. As with any ritual, be patient and you can always redo if you need to later.
To delve deep into the questions that the Full Moon in Aquarius conjures up, you may want to lay Tarot or Oracle cards. You can use the Aquarius Full Moon Spread and explore the themes further. Please tag me in your spread on Instagram, as I’d love to know how you connected!
Thank you <3 As an Aquarius sun, I deeply connected with all of specifications of this ritual. From our broadcasting connection to music and universe, intellect and altruism. Looking forward to draw my cards tonight. Much gratitude for this email and offering.
I love it. I wish I had gotten it earlier.