A simple prosperity vision spell that infuses the magick of the Aquarius season + Imbolc + Tarot.
Create sacred space. Dress your white candle with pyrite chips (substitute with citrine, green aventurine, or clear quartz) and dried mint while focusing on your intention.
Place The Star sticker (from @shiningmoonstudio) on to the candle or a star shaped sticker. Either works, as your intention is the most potent aspect of the spell. Light each day until the end of the month to hold space for you to draw focus on your intention. Burn candle down on February 29th!
May your vision of prosperity come into fruition tenfold ♡

To delve deep into the medicine that Imbolc conjures up, you may want to lay Tarot or Oracle cards. You can use the Imbolc Spread and explore the themes further. Please tag me in your spread on Instagram, as I’d love to know how you connected.